Sunday, November 9, 2008

Our friends in Denver...

Tate and Abby at Tate's CO birthday celebration with his God-parents. They were totally worth the trip.
He loves Aaron and Abby...I think it's all the funny faces.
Tate got a pretty sweet truck in addition to some stylin' clothes.

Fun with Aaron & Abby

Tate's CO birthday cake was a DQ ice cream cake. He ate none of it; we ate all of it.
There's nothing better than riding around a house in a cardboard box.

...accompanied by your trusty volleyball.

Tate likes straws.

Our little 'Destructo.'

Rocky Mountain High...

Our little Sooner and his mama.
Tate and his dad.

Our little family.

Tate, his favorite vicar, and his favorite vicar's wife.

We got to be in Georgetown, CO, for the BigHorn Sheep Festival. Awesome.

We can only hope...

...that Tate grows up to be a drummer. He seems to enjoy it so far.

Party Spread.

This was all Kristen's work; if it were up to me, it would have probably been a couple bags of Doritos.
I'm not sure why this loaded sideways, but Tate's cake was a football field. Pretty cool.

The cake Tate got to eat was about 2/3 frosting, which would soon turn him into the Incredible Hulk, Jr.

Here are a few of Tate's friends hanging out in the backyard.


As you look at Tate stuffing his face with cake, here are some of his 1-year stats:
Height: 32 3/4" (97th percentile); Weight: 24 lbs. (70th percentile).

Walking? You betcha.

Words: Mama, Dada, Uh-oh (as in, 'Uh-oh, I just dropped my cup on purpose for the 50th straight time.'), Dog, Ah-ah-ah (as in, 'One baby, ah-ah-ah' - the "Count" laugh from Sesame Street), and Kristen swears he says 'Georgia.'

Cakes destroyed: 1 and counting.

Tate's Birthday Bash

One of the VIP's at Tate's party was his buddy from down the street, Walker.
Also in attendance: Noah, who is the coolest in Tate's eyes.

Tate was an excellent present unwrapper and bag unstuffer.

It's all about those baby blues.

Catch ya later.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall Festibal... least that's how the kids pronounce it. Tate went as a well-fed giraffe. Here he is with his friend and neighbor Greg, whose middle name is "Ryne," for you Cubs fans.
He put up pretty well with having the hood on all night.
Here he is with his friend Andrew, the mouse.

Our colorful family (from left to right): Ricky Bobby, the well-fed giraffe, and Pebbles.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tate's Playground...

Our giant boy.
The slide holds the most fascination.

Can you tell he's proud of himself?

Tate's Wheels...

This is the sweet ride Tate's Great-Grandma Arlene gave him when he was born. He's not quite big enough to scoot it himself, but he likes to get pushed around on it.

Almost 1...

I know it sounds cliche, but...they grow up so fast.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Free-Standing Pillar

Did we mention that in the past month when we weren't posting on our blog it was because Tate is all over the place and into everything? He has spent the past month pulling up on everything and working his muscles so he is ready to go mobile. At this point, he can stand for up to a couple minutes all by himself but still keeps both feet relatively anchored to the floor. He'll take a step here and a step there, but sometime real soon he will be a blur. Trust us.

Tulsa Zoo

Tate and his Momma went to the Tulsa Zoo with some friends. Yeah, yeah, I know. We just went over a month between posts. Sorry about that.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Minnesota Zoo

We went with our good friends the Washburns to the Minnesota Zoo while we were up in Minnesota.
Tate was pretty into looking at all the animals. He held out for quite a while but got a little impatient at the end.

Here he is, ready for safari. Can you tell how much he loves his hat?

Tate and his Dad. We're tight.