Thursday, July 28, 2011


The pool is closed on Monday's and during mild to severe thunderstorms. And yes, this sprinkler picture was taken somewhat during a thunderstorm.
Sharky is very proud of his shark towel, especially when it's wrapped around him like a toga.

Quinnie & Brody

Kristen's friend Tara and her boy Brody came down from St. Louis last weekend to hang out. Brody is about 3 weeks older than Quinn, although Quinn is a monster compared to him. We had a good time, although I'm sure they regretted coming to Tulsa and our 107 temps.
Quinn & Brody. Totally a package now.
By the way...she crawls. She stands. She claps. She is awesome.

Church Softball!

This is what 3-year-olds do after they've been at church softball games in 95+ degree temps for a couple hours.
This is us before we got our awesome matching shirts (Cardinals colors). This particular pose is titled "potential energy," which, when it becomes kinetic energy, translates into towering shots that are usually just slightly foul.
This is the profile of greatness.
This is "Quinnie" with her honorary big sis Lanie.