Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More Christmas...

Aaron and Abby sent presents with pictures of who they were for. For Tate, that apparently turned into a new fashion statement. Only he could pull it off.
Here Tate just unwrapped "The Little Engine That Could." Since Christmas, we have read this book 4 trillion times (give or take).
Nothing like the glow of a Christmas tree on a cold, snowy night.
Tate's new bike: the Toot Scoot. He loves it, because he thinks he's a big boy when he rides it.
Tate and Greg hanging out on Christmas Eve. Greg and his parents (Wes & Hillary) came over after braving the blizzard. We ate Mexican food...I think that's an Oklahoma thing to do on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve...

White Christmas in Oklahoma? It was this year! We loved the snowstorm, but we hated the fact that church was cancelled on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Something was missing, but it definitely wasn't snow; we had plenty of that!
We opened the door to let the dogs out to do their business, and this was the picture. They changed their minds when they saw the snow, but we "encouraged" them to venture out, anyway.