Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More Christmas...

Aaron and Abby sent presents with pictures of who they were for. For Tate, that apparently turned into a new fashion statement. Only he could pull it off.
Here Tate just unwrapped "The Little Engine That Could." Since Christmas, we have read this book 4 trillion times (give or take).
Nothing like the glow of a Christmas tree on a cold, snowy night.
Tate's new bike: the Toot Scoot. He loves it, because he thinks he's a big boy when he rides it.
Tate and Greg hanging out on Christmas Eve. Greg and his parents (Wes & Hillary) came over after braving the blizzard. We ate Mexican food...I think that's an Oklahoma thing to do on Christmas Eve.

1 comment:

Paula Van Scharrel said...

Keep the videos coming! Grandmas & Grandpas watch them.