Friday, May 23, 2008

Splish Splash

Tate really loves his bath time now that he's sitting up so well. His parents get a little wet in the process, though.

Rollover Minutes...or...Tate Goes Mobile

So, it's official. You can put Tate down on his blanket and turn your back for a second, and by the time you look again he's 3 feet away. Next up: crawling!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My South Dakota Grandparents...

Grandpa Dave is a pretty fun guy to be around.
Grandma Paula took me on the swing in the sun porch. I think these two kinda like having grandkids.

My Favorite Cousin...

There are a couple more on the way, though, so Isaac is about to have some competition. I wonder is Grandma Paula will ever get a girl...

My Great-Grandparents!

This is my Great-Grandma Gen (not pictured is Great-Grandpa Ernie)

This is Great-Grandma Fern and Great-Grandpa Earl.

This is Great-Grandma Arlene. I never knew I had so many great-grandparents!

My 6 Month Stats...

On my 6 month birthday, I spent the day in airplanes and cars. Woo hoo! When we got back from our exciting adventure to the north, Mommy took me to my 6 month checkup.
Weight: 18 lbs, 7 oz
Length: 28 inches
Words I say: ma ma ma, da da da, ba ba ba, blah blah blah, (and I giggle and scream a lot)
Foods I eat: rice cereal, squash, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, green beans, applesauce, pears, and bananas
Non-foods I try to eat: paper, spoons, clothes, peoples' fingers, the occasional baby scalp
Drool production: about 2 gallons a day
Teeth: 2

SaraBeth & Eric...

I finally got to meet the people who send me all the awesome presents. I had to apologize in person for making Mommy miss their wedding.

Auntie Kendra's Graduation...

I was so proud of my aunt graduating from Concordia, even though I took a nap during the ceremony.

Catching up with the Mora crowd...

Our friends Rob, Jamie, Jayme, Eliza, Dan, & Robin. 3 kids made it an interesting dining experience.

My Girlfriend Eliza...

This is when we first met. Can you tell it was love at first sight?
It looks like I'm putting on the moves, but really I was pulling her closer so I could bite her head. Seriously.

Grandpa & Grandma G...

I have a pretty proud grandpa.
Grandma seems to like me a little bit, too.