Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Puddle jumping...

Just a classic example of the Tate-man in action.


Tate's a big fan.

Grant's Farm...

It's a little dark, but that's a Budweiser clydesdale in the background.
We got caught in a downpour, but it was still a really cool place. Plus, there was free beer.

The STL Zoo...

Coolest thing we saw? The hippos swimming around. Awesome.
The elephants were fascinating, too... evidenced by the fact that we couldn't get Tate to look at the camera... matter who held him.

This is Tate watching the Sea Lion show. They kept his attention for about 2 minutes, then we had to resort to M&M's to make it through the show. In fairness, it was naptime.

Cards 5, Royals 0

Last year, we went to a game and the Phillies beat the Cardinals 21-2. This year's outcome was more enjoyable.

Tate and "No-wha" (Noah) - baseball fans.

Our family in the STL.


Tate loves to blow bubbles. Actually, he loves to try to blow bubbles. Every once in a while, he actually gets a bubble out of the deal.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Big Guy, Big Hair...

18 month stats:
Height - 35 inches (off the charts)
Weight - 25 lbs, 10 oz. (47th percentile)
Words - too many to count now
Post-bathtime hair - priceless