Friday, November 18, 2011

Bro and Sis

They're buds.

Family Pics

Love these pictures. I'm not going to upload them all, because they take forever. But here are some of the family ones.
There are some that are more posed. But let's be honest...that's not really our style.
Seems like we added another kid since the last bridge photo.

Visit from Grandpa Gary and Grandma Kerry

So what happens when a 4-year-old spends too long unsupervised in a bathroom that also contains "tub crayons"?
Birthday presents from Grandpa and Grandma: cold-weather clothes! You have no idea how exciting this is for the boy who prays for snow.
We love visitors!

Unwrapping Presents

Yeah, Quinn figured that out pretty quickly. She had her brother to show her.


Live, from the fireman/dalmation birthday party. Probably the first and last co-birthday-party they stand for.
Before. Isn't she dainty and proper?
After. Doesn't she look like a little like a jr. circus clown?

Cookie Monster

Tate got to help his mom make ginger snaps.
Yes, I believe that's sugar on the side of his face.

Pumpkin Patch

After the summer fried our own personal pumpkin patch, I guess it was back to the place where the pumpkins grow in mowed fields with no vines attached. Sigh.
This pumpkin may have weighed more than the one trying to lift it.
Our little cowgirl.


They do look pretty good in red...

Big Kids...

So, it's been a few months since we last posted. And these pics are a couple months old.
But holy cow, these kids are big, right?
How do these things happen?

Friday, August 5, 2011

More Hiking

Brandon and the kiddos, some of Tate's favorite people in the world.
What a good dad.
We had a picnic lunch with a beautiful view of Lake Dillon.
So, my theory is that for every person you add to a photo, the chance of everyone:
a. having their eyes open
b. looking at the camera
c. smiling properly
...Goes down exponentially (if that is such a thing). As far as this photo goes...close enough!

Munks and Fish

What could hold the attention of two preschoolers at the same time?
Maybe a hundred chipmunks scurrying around.
Family hike by Lake Dillon.
What trip is complete without some games of Go Fish (rules may vary).

S'more Hiking

Nothing ends a good hike like s'mores on the deck.
3-year-olds aren't exactly the most efficient or proficient hikers.
So, it's best when they hold their dad's (or mom's) hand.
Yes, I wore this, and I'm not ashamed. Okay, maybe a little, but our cute little girl is worth the shame.


What's better than a trip to the beach with the Witt's (2010)? How about a trip to the mountains to escape the furnace that is Oklahoma?
Mountain man.
Quinn of the Rockies.
Here's the view from the deck of the cabin we rented; we are at about 10,600 feet elevation. I get winded just going up a flight of stairs here. Actually, I think I got winded just typing this sentence.
Seems like a great place; we have to go, right?

Thursday, July 28, 2011


The pool is closed on Monday's and during mild to severe thunderstorms. And yes, this sprinkler picture was taken somewhat during a thunderstorm.
Sharky is very proud of his shark towel, especially when it's wrapped around him like a toga.

Quinnie & Brody

Kristen's friend Tara and her boy Brody came down from St. Louis last weekend to hang out. Brody is about 3 weeks older than Quinn, although Quinn is a monster compared to him. We had a good time, although I'm sure they regretted coming to Tulsa and our 107 temps.
Quinn & Brody. Totally a package now.
By the way...she crawls. She stands. She claps. She is awesome.

Church Softball!

This is what 3-year-olds do after they've been at church softball games in 95+ degree temps for a couple hours.
This is us before we got our awesome matching shirts (Cardinals colors). This particular pose is titled "potential energy," which, when it becomes kinetic energy, translates into towering shots that are usually just slightly foul.
This is the profile of greatness.
This is "Quinnie" with her honorary big sis Lanie.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Stepping Stones

Two lovebirds, cementing their eternal bond in a mosaic of beauty for all perpetuity. Or something.
Tate did the border. Can you tell?
Tate helped with this border, as well. We take the stepping stones out of the molds tomorrow; they turned out pretty well, I think.