Friday, August 5, 2011

More Hiking

Brandon and the kiddos, some of Tate's favorite people in the world.
What a good dad.
We had a picnic lunch with a beautiful view of Lake Dillon.
So, my theory is that for every person you add to a photo, the chance of everyone:
a. having their eyes open
b. looking at the camera
c. smiling properly
...Goes down exponentially (if that is such a thing). As far as this photo goes...close enough!

Munks and Fish

What could hold the attention of two preschoolers at the same time?
Maybe a hundred chipmunks scurrying around.
Family hike by Lake Dillon.
What trip is complete without some games of Go Fish (rules may vary).

S'more Hiking

Nothing ends a good hike like s'mores on the deck.
3-year-olds aren't exactly the most efficient or proficient hikers.
So, it's best when they hold their dad's (or mom's) hand.
Yes, I wore this, and I'm not ashamed. Okay, maybe a little, but our cute little girl is worth the shame.


What's better than a trip to the beach with the Witt's (2010)? How about a trip to the mountains to escape the furnace that is Oklahoma?
Mountain man.
Quinn of the Rockies.
Here's the view from the deck of the cabin we rented; we are at about 10,600 feet elevation. I get winded just going up a flight of stairs here. Actually, I think I got winded just typing this sentence.
Seems like a great place; we have to go, right?