Saturday, December 29, 2007

I'm so BIG!

We weighed Tate on the scale at the post office today, and by our estimations - despite his best squirming - he weighs about 10 pounds, 2 ounces. I don't know where that puts him on the growth charts, but like I tell everyone else, we're pretty sure he won't end up a runt.
What we do know is that he has a smile that can light up a room and looks a little more grown up every day.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

2 Days Till Christmas!

Since we were all dressed up in our Sunday best, we thought maybe we should take a picture in front of the tree. Merry Christmas, wherever you are! Unless you're a stranger who happened to come across this blog, you're probably a friend or family member, so we miss you.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Our Little Smiler...

Tate is starting to smile more now and is a very alert baby. The thing that really sets him off is when his mom gives him "zerbits" on his little cheeks.

Tate's Baptism...

Tate Garrett officially became a Christian on December 9, 2007. Special thanks to sponsors Aaron and Abby for braving an icestorm to be there.

O Christmas Tree...

Here we are in front of our Christmas tree shortly before we cut it down and strapped it on the roof of the Escape to give it a new home in our living room. The Christmas tree place must have been disappointed to see the nicest tree on their farm go.

Monday, November 26, 2007

My 1 month checkup

Yay for me! I went to see my doctor today and she said that I'm doing such a good job growing. I weigh 7 lbs 15 oz, and I'm not even one month old yet! I'm 22 inches long...maybe a little longer. I was getting a little mad when I was getting measured, so we're not totally sure. But Mommy says that I was a good boyat my checkup besides that little incident. I squirmed as the doctor checked me out, I watched the bright lights, and ate a lot. I think that I'll be even BIGGER and LONGER at my two month checkup, but I'll probably have to get a couple shots at that one. Sad day, huh?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

My first Thanksgiving. Mommy bought me a new outfit just for today!
I think I look pretty good! :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Time with Mommy and Daddy

Yeah, Daddy and I already dress alike. I think he likes my style...Tate
Spending some special time with Mommy

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Road Trip...

Tate wanted to get all dressed up for his first trip to the pediatrician's office.

He's a pretty good traveler on short trips. So far, he has gone to the pediatrician's and made the trip to the airport to say goodbye to Grandma Kerry.

Tate could rest easy once he found out that he weighed in at 6 lbs, 14 oz, already over his birth weight at less than a week old. The pediatrician said Tate's health gets an A+. We already thought he was pretty exceptional, but it's nice to have affirmation from outside sources.

Tate's First Bath

Bathtime wasn't exactly a lot of fun for Tate, but it didn't take him long to settle down once he was out of the water, dried off, and no longer naked.

Hair Color...

Is there a hint of red in that baby's hair? You be the judge.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Welcome to the Family

Introducing: Tate Garrett Van Scharrel.
Born: October 30, 2007 at 5:37 p.m.
Weight: 6 pounds, 13 ounces
Length: 20 inches
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
He strikes a nice pose for 15 minutes old, if I do say so myself.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


What do you do when you're waiting for the arrival of a child? Do something you did as a kid. If it were Christmas, we'd be baking cookies, and if it were Easter we'd dye some eggs, but it is the end of October. Georgia turns Kujo on us when her face is carved on a pumpkin.
We realized we forgot how much work it is to carve a pumpkin. Our hands were cramped up like we had just taken the ACTs or something.

The Georgia pumpkin by day. I offered to carve Kristen's face, but I think she thought it was creepy.

Yep, Saturdays in suburbia aren't too bad.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

We're almost there...

The nursery is ready, Kristen is just a couple of days away from that 37-week mark where she is considered 'full term' and the baby can come at any time, and as of our last OB appointment on Wednesday our baby boy was already at 6 lbs, 9 oz. Besides packing a bag for the hospital and taking Weekend Lamaze class next Friday/Saturday, I guess we're ready to go. Everybody tells us that our lives are about to change. We know this is true, of course, and we're excited to find out what that really means.
Anyway, stay tuned to the blog, because this is where you'll find such things as baby pictures and more baby pictures. We'll let you know when he makes an appearance!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Here we are...
...with our friends Aaron and Abby from St. Louis...

...and Kevin and Meghan from Lincoln...

...enjoying a fine outdoor Mexican meal at Los Cabos on the Riverwalk in Jenks.

Georgia's New House!

Yes, $30 in materials and 4 hours of sweaty labor in the Oklahoma can earn a beagle a new dog house. She doesn't sleep on the roof like Snoopy yet, but I think she kinda likes her new house. It rained today, and the roof didn't even leak. Of course, Georgia didn't stay inside it, so she was still pretty wet. The moral of the story: you can build a dog a dog house, but you can't make her stay in it.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The nursery...

The nursery is finally painted (it took 3 coats to cover), and the crib and bedding are set up. We are now officially at t-minus 2 months and counting.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain...

The champion tribal dancer before the Oklahoma musical at its 'official home.'
The pre-Oklahoma tribute to all things Western and cowboy. Yee haw!

Kristen and Abby waiting in eager anticipation.

Enjoying the pre-musical barbeque in the 95-degree heat.


Kristen and I and our friends Aaron and Abby.
The family picture.

Me and my lovely bride.

Me and my vicarage supervisor from Moorhead, MN.

The pastors of Christ the Redeemer in its 50+ year history.

The area pastors turned out in full force.

More House Pictures!

So, the accent wall in the master bedroom used to be royal blue...

And the accent wall in the living room used to be Sooner red. I like the change.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Our house, in the middle of our street...

Our first trip to Tulsa was a success! We met a lot of great people from Christ the Redeemer, we toured the church, and we got to know the city a little bit as we traveled with our realtor in the pursuit of the perfect house.
Speaking of the perfect house, here it is: our new house. It's about a 15 minute drive from work past horse pastures and pumping oil wells, it's only about 5 years old, and it has a fenced yard for Georgia. We love it, which is good, because it's going to be ours!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Journey Ends

8 years of school: tiresome
Cost of 8 years of school: pricey
Graduating after 8 years of school: priceless

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

24 Nights

They're not much to look at (just kidding!), but we had a blast hanging out with this crew on Monday nights this year. Sure, we got to watch Jack Bauer kill terrorists, but we also got to eat a lot of grilled food, drink a few beers, eat a lot of desserts, wrestle with Georgia, play some video games, and pretty much just enjoy each others' company. These times will be missed next year. It definitely beat doing homework.
From left: Ross, Abby & Aaron, Nate, Me & my favorite nurse in her 'Dora the Explorer' scrubs.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

For All You Cardinals Fans

Behold, the 2006 World Series trophy, as displayed in the history museum in Forest Park. I just thought I would post this so that the Cardinals/baseball fans out there will turn green with envy.

Afternoon Class

The day after call day, we took our friends from Minnesota to see what outdoor baseball is all about in the beautiful new home of the Cardinals. I'm pretty sure they thought it was better than watching a game in the Metrodome, though Busch Stadium does lack the giant milk jug along the right field line.
For those of you scoring at home, the Cardinals won the game 7-5, though we left when it started raining with one out in the 9th inning. And yes, it was totally worth skipping an afternoon class for an afternoon at the ballpark (as if you had to ask).