Sunday, October 21, 2007


What do you do when you're waiting for the arrival of a child? Do something you did as a kid. If it were Christmas, we'd be baking cookies, and if it were Easter we'd dye some eggs, but it is the end of October. Georgia turns Kujo on us when her face is carved on a pumpkin.
We realized we forgot how much work it is to carve a pumpkin. Our hands were cramped up like we had just taken the ACTs or something.

The Georgia pumpkin by day. I offered to carve Kristen's face, but I think she thought it was creepy.

Yep, Saturdays in suburbia aren't too bad.

1 comment:

SaraBeth said...

oooh....nice pumpkins.

that georgia one is intricate- you must have been really bored.

i find that i check this site at least twice a day to see if there is any baby news, but alas, none yet. :(