Saturday, October 6, 2007

We're almost there...

The nursery is ready, Kristen is just a couple of days away from that 37-week mark where she is considered 'full term' and the baby can come at any time, and as of our last OB appointment on Wednesday our baby boy was already at 6 lbs, 9 oz. Besides packing a bag for the hospital and taking Weekend Lamaze class next Friday/Saturday, I guess we're ready to go. Everybody tells us that our lives are about to change. We know this is true, of course, and we're excited to find out what that really means.
Anyway, stay tuned to the blog, because this is where you'll find such things as baby pictures and more baby pictures. We'll let you know when he makes an appearance!


Anonymous said...

sometimes i struggle to keep informed of what your latest blogsite is...but i'm glad to know that there's one to be found :-) friendly greetings from germany.

SaraBeth said...

sheesh! my nerves are killing me i'm so excited for you guys.

and you should update more frequently, like every day just so we know that she hasn't had tate yet.

nate said...

i'll wait for the update on the fantasy football page.